
Title: Conservatory Big Band
Location: Pierre Abou Khater Theatre
Event: Jazz concert with the Conservatory Big Band.
Date: 2009-12-01
For more details click the image to the left.
Title: Conservatory Big Band
Location: Pierre Abou Khater Theatre
Event: Jazz concert with the Conservatory Big Band.
Date: 2009-12-01
For more details click the image to the left.
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at Pierre Abou Khater Theatre, on 01-12-2009
In Program:
Fanfare for the Common Man (arr. P. Stephens), Big Band Milestones (arr. S. Nestico), Big Band Ballad (arr. M. Gold), Jazzman (arr. L. Norred), Fly Me to the Moon (arr. Nestico), Copacabana (arr. P. Spino), Hunting Wabbits (arr. G. Goodwin), Horn of Puente (arr. G. Goodwin), Christams Time - Joy & Spirit.
Members: Alin Tataru, Jeremy Chapman, Tom Hornig, Jean Lahoud, Elias Mouallem, Tibor Stefan, Ion Todei, Rabah Mneimneh, Florinel Barladeanu, Michel Bardon, Igor Vataman, Serghei Bolun, Miles Jay, Olga Bolun, Gabi Barani, Ibrahim Jaber.
Timming: 8:00 PM
at St. Joseph Church, on 27-11-2009
In program:
C.M. von Weber: Overture to the Opera "Der Freischutz"
Beethoven: Violin Concerto
Mozart: Symphony No 40
Violin: Sergey Khachatryan
Conductor:: Harout Fazlian
Timming: 8:30 PM