
Title: Piano Recital
Location: First Armenian Evangelical Church, Kantari - Beirut
Event: Works by Respighi, Chopin, and Tchaikovsky
Date: 2024-06-25
For more details click the image to the left.

Title: LPO in International Music Day
Location: First Armenian Evangelical Church, Kantari - Mexique Street
Event: Works by Tchaikovsky & Shostakovich
Date: 2024-06-21
For more details click the image to the left.

Title: LPO in Concert
Location: St. Joseph Jesuites Fathers Church - Monot, Ashrafieh
Event: Works by Verdi and Tchaikovsky
Date: 2024-06-14
For more details click the image to the left.

Title: LPO in LAU Centennial Tribute
Location: LAU Beirut Campus
Event: Centennial Tribute
Date: 2024-06-10
For more details click the image to the left.