
Title: A Chamber Music Concert
Location: National Museum
Event: Works by Bruch, Schumann, Chopin, Franck...
Date: 2024-05-02
For more details click the image to the left.

Title: A Tribute to Wadia Sabra
Location: National Evangelical Church of Beirut - Zokak El Blat, Sami El-Solh
Event: Piano works, Songs, Choral works
Date: 2024-04-29
For more details click the image to the left.

Title: Margo Babikian Laureats
Location: Pierre Aboukhater Theater, USJ, Damascus street, Beirut
Event: Miscellaneous Piano pieces
Date: 2024-04-26
For more details click the image to the left.

Title: Flute Quartet Concerto
Location: Crypte St. Joseph de Peres Jesuites, Achrafieh - Monot
Event: Works by Bach, Dvorak, Ravel, Debussy...
Date: 2024-04-23
For more details click the image to the left.